
Looking for a DepEd Secretary

PCIJ reports that Coca Cola has joined the bandwagon of private entities who are helping the Department of Education (DepEd) in their task to bring the textbooks to students from far-flung areas.

Coke trucks are not only dropping off bottles of their sugary products but are doing the good deed by helping the DepEd improve the textbook-to-student ratio in the country.

One could only hope that this project would push thru and continue even with an impending change in leadership in the department.

Since former secretary Butch Abad left the department, it has been under the care of Undersecretary Ramon Bacani as an OIC. I don’t see anything wrong with Usec. Bacani, seeing that he is most capable of handling the agency. I remember waking him up on stormy mornings to ask whether classes have been suspended in Metro Manila and he would graciously grant his time.

To have an education department that is non-partisan would have to mean appointing a person that is not only fit for the job but to do away with politicos who only serve their president. We need an educator out there, not inept ones who will only serve as trumpets for the president. We already have enough Mike Defensors.

By Oriah Satria

There is nothing spurious about myself. I just try to write what's in my head. I do not apologize for being rash or frank or downright devious. There is simply too much chaos in this world to remain hushed.

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