Whenever I think of the Hacienda Luisita violence that killed 14 people–mostly farmers and workers–I couldn’t help being reminded of Kris Aquino and the obscene display of her luxurious life on national television.
Kris is a daughter of former President Corazon Cojuangco Aquino, one of the owners of Hacienda Luisita. She loves talking about fashion, clothes, and jewelry and models for a whitening soap, among other products.
While bloghopping, I found Len Olea’s blog. She wrote:
Sa telebisyon, buong giliw na ipinagmamalaki ni Kris Aquino, habang tayo’y inaaliw ng showbiz balita, na ang kanyang mga alahas ay katas ng Hacienda Luisita.
Meanwhile Mong Palatino writes:
“Kris Aquino was wrong when she boasted on national TV that her designer clothes were ‘katas ng Hacienda Luisita.’ Now we witness the hardworking people who produce the wealth of Hacienda Luisita displaying extraordinary force, anger and devotion which only the most oppressed and exploited can ever show.”
216 replies on “Kris Aquino and the Hacienda Luisita Massacre”
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omg! nag comment pala ako dito before. my gawd, nakakahiya! years ago na ‘to so i’m sorry. ANYWAYS, i like kris aquino na. much! the way she talk, dress, and everything. except sa break up nila ni james yap. parang walang ngyaring marriage at all kasi madali silang nagive-up. anyways, maybe they have a big and deep reasons behind it and let’s just respect them. add me in facebook, lol. gladys_tsup2000@yahoo.com
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Alveo Land Takes professional Environments to the next level. Presenting the landmark BPI Cebu Corporate Center a premier office condominium development never before seen in the Visayas or in Mindanao, master planned to offer distinct work space available for ownership. The First Office for sale in Cebu Business Park, Philippines by Alveo Land Corp and its Intuitively designed for top corporations, entrepreneurs, and firms, this iconic tower elevates you to the southern Philippines’ number one business address.
Welcome to “Solinea Cebu. Alveo’s first master planned, multi-tower residential development in Cebu City presents you with a brilliant living experience: the mellow glow of a home that is exactly the size you need, balanced with the invigorating vibrancy of everything under the sun.lazuliwill rise at an ultra-prime location right across Ayala Center Cebu, a privileged starting point for navigating the city in style. Via Cardinal Rosales and Luzon Avenue, joyride through 50 hectares of the best places to work, live, and chill, cityscapes unbound and energized by green urban spaces.
“We are very happy with how the Cebu market has responded to our projects,” said Jennylle Tupaz, head of project development for Alveo Land. “Solinea introduced a living concept that brings together the inherent charm of the Cebuano way of life with Ayala Land’s unparalleled quality of developments. Given the overwhelming market response, we are continually inspired to create more landmark developments here in Cebu.”
From its highly strategic location to the careful selection of its resort-inspired amenities, the attention to detail that went into the project’s master plan is evident in every facet of the development. Bounded by two major access roads—Luzon Avenue on the north and Cardinal Rosales Avenue on the east—”Solinea Tower 3is strategically located right across Ayala Center Cebu, and is in close proximity to numerous recreational, dining and leisure options. This will give future residents exceptional access to everything it has to offer.
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While the concept of a resort lifestyle is not new to Cebuanos, lazulioffers the ideal experience of a vacation-like residential lifestyle, set in the heart of a thriving urban enclave. Inside, Solinea will also usher residents into a world defined by the ease and relaxation reminiscent of a vacation destination.
The first phase of the 2.6-hectare development showcases a 29-story tower with 591 units that will be set amid lush landscapes, manicured pocket gardens and open spaces. An expansive resort-quality swimming pool and a central clubhouse with a gym, function room and game room, as well as a special retail and dining area, are among its extensive amenity list, allowing Solinea to provide a relaxing city resort experience.
“lazuliis Alveo’s first multitower development in Cebu that makes it possible for residents to come home to a vacation every day,” Tupaz said. “Being located right across Ayala Center Cebu, Solinearesidents can truly enjoy the convenience of being near the city hotspots and the luxury of resort-like amenities and a unique retail concept that complement the vibrant streetscape of the Cebu Park District. What it has to offer complements Cebu Park District’s rise as a dynamic hub for business, recreation and residential living.”
With the evolution of one of the country’s regional hubs, Ayala Land (ALI) and Cebu Holdings Inc. have managed to successfully set the stage for the region’s top commercial and residential developments. With Cebu Park District, this fusion of Cebu Business Park and Cebu IT Park (formerly known as Asiatown IT Park) bridges the best elements of Cebu’s leading growth centers, and brings Ali’s vision of integrated living in Cebu to life. Solinea Tower 3
“Our goal is to create a thriving community that combines the ease of urban living with the inherent Cebu lifestyle,” said Antonino T. Aquino, president of Ayala Land. “We envision Cebu Park District to be the new benchmark of an urban community that seamlessly complements the lifestyle ideals of the region.”Solinea Tower 3
Investment Possible: Alveo Land trailblazing the First tower for the future vertical village to increase in Makati
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