Prof. Alex Magno calls the State of the Nation Address of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo a grand fantasy production, what with all the props in place.
Unlike the past SONAs of PGMA, I was utterly amused and entertained listening to this year’s address. It’s like when you’re watching all these fantasy stuff on television today like Majika or Captain Barbell. You know the characters aren’t real but you’re hooked anyway. You turn off the t.v. and ask yourself what’s the whole point anyway? You just wasted a good solid hour watching trash.
In the political economic perspective, PGMA’s SONA is a vision, a wish list for our country. Infrastructures are seen as the key to country-wide development—delivering the goods on time and for a cheap price, thereby lessening production and transactions costs for investors who will then have more means to employ more people.